MI:Aware is a heart attack awareness and prevention initiative founded by elite cyclist, Scott Kasin, who at age forty-one, with indiscernible warning, suffered a Myocardial Infarction (MI). Being a super-fit heart attack survivor put Scott on a mission. He founded MI:Aware in 2009 to warn others about what befell him. MI:Aware maintains a simple focus: to know the warning signs, identify ones true risk factors, and to promote a healthy lifestyle. Likewise, our advice is simple:


Latest News

Women’s Heart Event, 7/23/13 11:30 am Carbondale

Posted by Scott under Events

Reserve your Spot Now – Carbondale Women Connecting in Health Luncheon on July 23rd

Join us on Tuesday, July 23rd at 11:30 am at The Gathering Center at The Orchard, 110 Snowmass Dr., in Carbondale for a Women Connecting in Health luncheon, presented by the Valley View Hospital Foundation.

Dr. Brooke Halliwell  from Women’s Health Associates will be presenting “The Ages & Stages of Our Heart.”

Please RSVP by July 15th by calling 970.384.6620 or via email tojacqueline.tannenbaum@vvh.org as space is limited.

Ride Your Heart Out 2013

Posted by Scott under Events, Get Involved, Volunteer

Join us for our 5th Annual Ride Your Heart Out, Wednesday, July 3rd.  Ride leaves Gorsuch at the gondola plaza in Aspen at 8:30 am.  See the Maps below, download your waiver, bring it with you signed and Ride!!  Call Scott Kasin at 608-698-0368 with any questions.

100 Km Route Map              50 Km Route Map               MI Aware Waiver

Ride Your Heart Out 2013

Iron Man World Championships after a Heart Attack?

Posted by Scott under Friends, MI:Journal, Stories

Yes, that is the truth.  There are no limts to what you can do even after you’ve had an MI. Congratulations to Todd Mellinger on his IM World Championships qualification.

MI Aware Athletes Pressing Forward

Pictured  here with Culinary Connector Becky Creighton our very own MI Aware supporter.