Scott Kasin

Scott Kasin was still looking for a phone to call his wife when they put him in the ambulance. He was still trying to sort out what was happening when they gave him nitroglycerine. (“Isn’t that for heart attacks?”). When the doctor told Scott that he had “suffered an MI”, he blinked and responded, “Isn’t that like a heart attack?” That was July 2008. Since that time, MI:Aware has grown to support heart attack victims, their families, as well as those at risk for an MI. Scott Kasin has spoken at high end athletic events, business luncheons, health events and to anyone that will listen about the prevention, risks and warning signs of heart attacks. His efforts have paid off. Scott continues to ride, compete and coach the active community. His supporters credit Scott’s persistence and MI:Aware with saving lives and preventing further heart disease. Scott lives near Aspen, Colorado with his wife and two children.

Read the inspiring tale of Scott’s MI story by clicking here: MI:Aware? I aM Now!